About: How it all Started

Dr. Kersey is the president and founder of Quantum Care Research and Development LLC

Dr. Gary Kersey is the president and founder of Quantum Care Research and Development

 Approximately 32 years ago, give or take, a young spiritually minded attorney made a decision. It seems that he had been waking every morning for over a month with, of all things, a phone number in his head. At first, he simply ignored this annoying event. Eventually, he wrote down the number. And, after some time, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to call the number. After all, what could it hurt. Long story short, it changed his life forever in ways you couldn’t imagine.

After a few rings, a woman answered the phone and said these following words: “It’s about time you called, we’ve been waiting….” Obviously, this young man, after almost fainting says, “Who is this?” And thus, began an amazing story that lasted over 25 years.

The young lady on the phone was named Melissa. What she told my friend was almost impossible to believe, but everything fell into place rather quickly. It seems that Melissa had the ability to channel. One day she heard a voice speak to her. It was a female voice. She told Melissa that they had been together many lifetimes ago, in the times of Atlantis. Melissa asked what her name was, which sounds like a logical question. This mysterious lady chuckled and told Melissa that she wouldn’t be able to even pronounce her real name, and that she would just go by the name of Kathleen.

It seems that Kathleen was a 25,000 yr. old entity from Atlantis who had come into our reality for a short time to introduce a new energy balancing system using color. She apparently had worked with my attorney friend in earlier lifetimes, or so I surmised, since, she had chosen him to be her physical-form promoter. She instructed him on how to produce 20 specially made color plates made out of aluminum.

They later began to introduce this “new” Atlantean energy balancing system into the general public in the way of seminars, workshops, conventions, phone consults, and metaphysical bookstores. In the bookstores they were all placed onto a rotating display; A product tree of sorts. It was very attractive. The customer could read the title of each product, then, through a form of Higher Self intervention, choose the plate or plates that were needed at the time.

I personally had a set that I used from time to time in my office. These plates were also sold all over the world. Thousands were sent out to healers of all kinds in India, Japan, Canada, etc.

Melissa/ Kathleen would have ongoing classes to train people how the plates could be used utilizing protocols used in Atlantis. Obviously, one could simply use their own knowledge that they had gathered from the many books written over the years on how to balance energy using color. Every country in the world has their own “Masters” of color balancing.

In the U.S., there are many, the Dinshah system being one of the more famous. The Melissa/ Kathleen workshops were different. Of course, they followed the various laws on using color to balance energy, but there were many extras thrown in that I had never come across. The things she did were truly amazing.

After hearing about these incredible stories that centered around trainings that Melissa had had at her home on numerous occasions, I knew I had to hop on a plane and check it out for myself. Some of these stories sounded impossible, but they happened.

On one occasion Melissa/ Kathleen took the group outside to the backyard. There, she proceeded to create an energy vortex so strong, that when one gentleman stood in the center of it his hair stood straight up on end. Everyone was shocked.

On another occasion she had a young man lay down on a mat. It was easy to see that his lumbar spine (low back) was not straight. In the medical world this is called a scoliosis. He had had this affliction his whole life. Melissa/ Kathleen laid some aluminum plates of various colors along his spine and then said let’s wait a few minutes. This is hard to believe, but after about 5 minutes his spine started moving and it went straight. Everyone saw this happen in real time. It would not be inappropriate to refer to this as a miracle.

I think I finally made the decision I had to go in person to see all this with my own eyes when I heard about what happened to the dentists and oral surgeons that came to one of Melissa/ Kathleen’s workshops. I was not present at this particular meeting, but my associate witnessed something that I thought was very interesting. But before I go into this story I need to take a small detour as to what a Melissa/ Kathleen session actually looked like.

Everyone would be seated around Melissa. Melissa wore glasses and was a smoker. Eventually she would say, “well, Kathleen is here, is everyone ready for Kathleen?” Everyone would nod, and she would then close her eyes and lower her head.

After no more than 5 seconds or so Melissa would raise her head and take a deep breath. Except that was no longer Melissa. Melissa had left her body and we were now looking upon a 25,000 yr. old lady.

And what I found hilarious, the first thing Kathleen would do is take off the glasses Melissa had been wearing. She would say she didn’t need glasses. And then she would comment on the pack of cigarettes Kathleen had been smoking. Kathleen picked up the cigarettes pack and threw them and said out loud…”disgusting!” I cracked up. She would then begin to teach. Later, after Melissa came back into her body. I asked her where she goes when Kathleen is in her body. She said she would float down to the lake and watch the ducks and geese swim around. She said it was very relaxing.

So back to what my friend witnessed. When he shared his story I felt a tremendous sense of respect and awe of what had happened and I knew I had to hop on a plane A.S.A.P. A small group of dentists and oral surgeons had been invited to see Kathleen and to ask her questions.

From what my friend told me, everyone had a look of disbelief and negativity when they arrived. Here they were, professionals, sitting in a small, broken down double-wide looking at an over-weight lady that, supposedly, could allow a 25,000 year old healer from Atlantis enter her body. But things quickly changed.

Everyone was told they could ask Melissa about healing, dentistry, holistic medicine, etc. The first dentist asked a rather complex question using medical terminology. That’s when Kathleen shocked everyone. She gave a fantastic answer, accurate and to the point, using all the proper medical jargon and terminology.

Needless to say, everyone was taken back. My friend told me their pens were flying off the page: taking notes. In other words, no one was upset. They all proceeded to ask questions about various conditions that their patients had. Kathleen came through every time. It was incredible to say the least.

After I and others spent two days working with Kathleen, asking her questions about various health issues that I wanted to learn more about, I felt blessed to say the least. We discussed various color balancing techniques using various tools and implications.

The main tools were a set of 20 color card. We were also introduced to how to use the colored equilateral triangles. Some were about an inch in size, and some were extremely small and had a small hole in the center. I was told that a number of acupuncturists that had taken Kathleen’s seminars were getting phenomenal results with their patients by placing their acupuncture needles through the various triangles before inserting into the patient. This way, they could choose one of 20 different colors to enter along the shaft of the needle.

When someone asks me how this technology works, I first ask them if they have heard of the science of color healing. If they say no, I refer them to all the many excellent books that have been written on this subject. Unfortunately, of the hundreds of books that are available on color healing today, the vast majority have not yet entered 3rd density.

The good news is, after spending a year working with Kathleen and using her color devices, I was able to learn a lot about how color healing was done in Atlantis, some 25,000 years ago. Color healing is one of the oldest healing modalities in the world.

I then explain to them that there are many ways of introducing color into the energy field of a person, animal, or plant. As I mentioned, Kathleen introduced aluminum plates that came in 20 different colors. On the surface of these plates resided thousands of tiny crystals made of aluminum oxide.

Aluminum is the third most abundant element in Earth’s crust. It does not exist as a lone element, and it is found as a compound. Aluminum occurs naturally in soil, water, and air. Aluminum oxide is also called corundum and two well-known gem stones that are made of aluminum oxide are rubies and sapphires.

It’s not appropriate at this time to go into the biophysics of how and why these plates worked. But basically, there is a special quality of the actual aluminum oxide crystal that makes it a perfect “projector” of color energy. And anyone who has even a basic understanding of energy medicine knows that everyone has an energy field, or, aura that surrounds the body.

This energy field makes up who we are as a human being. Energy passes through this field into the chakras, then into special channels called meridians, then finally exerts an effect upon actual tissue, such as the organs, cells, etc. This energy also affects us emotionally, mentally, as well as spiritually. Of course, for the sake of brevity, this information has been greatly simplified at this point. On the topics I just touched on there have been literally millions of books written from every country in the world.

Suffice to say, Kathleen brought to us 20 very special color frequencies and taught us many ways of improving our lives using these colors. The Atlantean Color Discs have been designed specifically to capture the amazing technology once used in Atlantis: used for healing and balancing all life forms, human, animal and plant.

Their uses are almost infinite and will enhance the lives of anyone who decides to incorporate them into everyday living. Although there are thousands of articles in books and on-line that one can find on how to use color balancing, we will be introducing very special techniques that was taught by Kathleen that are not available anywhere, other than from our company,  Quantum Care Research and Development LLC.